Tinder 花見 2016

The flower viewing event that gathered over 600 people in 2015 and went viral on social media is back! 2015年600人以上集まり、SNSでも話題になったあのお花見が帰ってくる! Spring is just around the corner and for many that only means one thing: HANAMI (flower viewing). もう春はすぐそこまでやってきてる今考えることはただ一つ‼︎ 花見‼︎ But why keep it small and simple? Tinder plans to take over Yoyogi Park this year to give you a unique hanami experience. 小規模で静かな花見に今年はTinderがユニークな春一番を吹かせます‼︎ 代々木公園にて今までにない経験をあなたに届けます。 Come join a day of fun performances, free tinder merchandise and plenty of alcohol with hundreds of other fun people! Tinderが送る一味違う花見に参加して、たっぷりのお酒とたくさんの人と一緒にパフォーマンスとフリーグッズを楽しむしかない! Date & Time : Saturday March 26th: 10:00 – 20:00 3月26日(土) 10時スタート Things to bring (持ち物): The event is FREE, but please bring your own food and beverages.


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